We Do Solar Right

Netsolar Incorporated is a renewable energy and sustainable solutions company that designs, installs, and maintains photovoltaic systems, which convert sunlight into electricity. Typically focus on residential, commercial, and industrial clients, and provide services such as system design, installation, monitoring, and maintenance. Netsolar may also provide financing options for customers to cover the cost of the solar system.


We are composed of individuals who are passionate about improving people’s lives. Our companies reflect our belief of inclusive growth and welfare for everyone by using technology.

We believe in providing clean, affordable, and sustainable energy. Our choice of the technology we use, our partners and people, are all based on us being able to provide energy solutions which are economically advantageous, technologically advanced and provide long term sustainability.


To provide the most compelling offer in the solar energy industry in order to have a world powered by clean energy.


By providing unparalleled value, we will greatly accelerate the adoption of renewable energy in the world.  We wish to do good by our environment, our people, our customers and our community as well as be an enduring company to be able to make all these things possible in the long run.


Netsolar is composed of individuals who are passionate about improving people’s live. We believe the energy market in the Philippines is right for disruption as there are only a few market players with a relatively high cost of electricity.

Our created companies reflect our belief of inclusive growth and welfare for everyone through the user of technology.


We Provide the Best Value to Our Clients

Profitability Rates

Excellent Performance

High Quality Components


We pride ourselves on offering a wide selection of products and services that are tailored to meet the needs of our customers. We are always looking for ways to improve our products and services so that they remain competitive and reliable.

Excellence at the Best Price

Our core values helped us get to where we are today. To maintain a consistent focus on their mission and objectives, to establish a culture of integrity and trust and provide a framework for how the company interacts with customers, vendors, and the wider community

Strong Core Values

We guarantee customer satisfaction by striving to exceed our customers’ expectations. We are committed to providing quality products and services that meet our customers’ needs. We continually monitor feedback from customers and take necessary steps to ensure that our products and services meet or exceed their expectations.

Guaranteed Customer Satisfaction



NetSolar Inc. is composed of individuals who are passionate about improving people’s lives. These companies reflect our belief in inclusive growth and welfare for everyone through technology.

Our Affiliated Companies


NETOPIA - Empowering people through affordable access to information.

Investment by PLDT/IPVG

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VEEM - Transforming banking processes to lower the costs of remittance.

Investments by Kleiner PerkinsCaufield Byers/Google Ventures

NETENERGY - Making clean energy accessible, affordable and viable for everyone.

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NETVOICE - Connecting Filipinos worldwide by providing a platform for affordable communications.


INTERVENN - Help cancer diagnosis through the use of glycoproteomics, LC/MS and machine learning.

Investments by Genoa Ventures